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NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Second Edition, focuses on the complex process of designing safe, effective, and goal-specific resistance, aerobic, plyometric, and speed training programs. Featuring over 200 full-color photos with accompanying technique instructions, this resource offers readers a step-by-step approach to designing Comprehensive and research based, the second edition of NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training is the resource to rely on for personal training information and guidance. . With state-of-the-art knowledge regarding applied aspects of personal training as well as clear explanations of supporting scientific evidence, NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Second Edition, is also the This is the best text of its kind. Compared to ACE, ACSM, NASM, NCSM, AFAA, and others, this NSCA book is the easiest read. The information is easily understandable, easily referenced, and is a must have by every Personal Trainer. The information is practical and each chapter connects the dots for new trainers to use with each of their clients. Amazon配送商品ならNsca's Essentials of Personal Trainingが通常配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が多数。Earle, Roger W., Baechle, Thomas R., National Strength & Conditioning Association (U. S.)作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。 高性能にして多機能な、Windows用の写真編集ソフトの定番。Adobe Photoshopに比べてお手頃な価格も魅力です。 ダウンロード版はMP4形式に対応した、動画再生ソフトが必要です( Windows Media Player 12 など) この映像は、ソースネクスト株式会社が制作した解説ムービーです。この映像コンテンツの著作権はソースネクスト株式会社に帰属します。

Alle informatie over de NSCA CPT trainingen in Nederland. Nieuwe cursus start 11 januari 2020 te Utrecht. Onderscheid jezelf als personal trainer! De cursus voor de voorbereiding op het NSCA-CPT examen wordt gegeven door drs.

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